Rethinking Evaluation Metric for Probability Estimation Models Using Esports Data


分析に基づいて、確率推定メトリックが持つべき 6 つの優れた特性の観点から、シンプルかつ効果的なメトリックであるバランス スコアと呼ばれる新しいメトリックを提案します。
一般的な条件下では、バランス スコアが、ビニング技術を使用した ECE によって不完全に近似された真の予想されるキャリブレーション誤差の効果的な近似となる可能性があることもわかりました。


Probability estimation models play an important role in various fields, such as weather forecasting, recommendation systems, and sports analysis. Among several models estimating probabilities, it is difficult to evaluate which model gives reliable probabilities since the ground-truth probabilities are not available. The win probability estimation model for esports, which calculates the win probability under a certain game state, is also one of the fields being actively studied in probability estimation. However, most of the previous works evaluated their models using accuracy, a metric that only can measure the performance of discrimination. In this work, we firstly investigate the Brier score and the Expected Calibration Error (ECE) as a replacement of accuracy used as a performance evaluation metric for win probability estimation models in esports field. Based on the analysis, we propose a novel metric called Balance score which is a simple yet effective metric in terms of six good properties that probability estimation metric should have. Under the general condition, we also found that the Balance score can be an effective approximation of the true expected calibration error which has been imperfectly approximated by ECE using the binning technique. Extensive evaluations using simulation studies and real game snapshot data demonstrate the promising potential to adopt the proposed metric not only for the win probability estimation model for esports but also for evaluating general probability estimation models.


著者 Euihyeon Choi,Jooyoung Kim,Wonkyung Lee
発行日 2023-09-12 14:04:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク