On Computationally Efficient Learning of Exponential Family Distributions


i.i.d から $k$ パラメータの切り捨てられた \textit{minimal} 指数族の自然パラメータを任意の精度で学習するという古典的な問題を考えます。
さらに、私たちの推定量は、\textit{surrogate} 尤度を最小化するインスタンスとしてだけでなく、特定のブレグマン スコアを最小化するための解決策としても解釈できることを示します。
また、サンプル複雑度 $O({\sf Poly}(k)/\alpha^2)$ でのパラメーター推定で $\alpha$ の誤差 ($\ell_2$-norm における) を達成するための有限サンプル保証も提供します。
私たちの方法は、ノードごとの疎なマルコフ乱数場に合わせて調整すると、次数最適なサンプル複雑度 $O({\sf log}(k)/\alpha^2)$ を達成します。


We consider the classical problem of learning, with arbitrary accuracy, the natural parameters of a $k$-parameter truncated \textit{minimal} exponential family from i.i.d. samples in a computationally and statistically efficient manner. We focus on the setting where the support as well as the natural parameters are appropriately bounded. While the traditional maximum likelihood estimator for this class of exponential family is consistent, asymptotically normal, and asymptotically efficient, evaluating it is computationally hard. In this work, we propose a novel loss function and a computationally efficient estimator that is consistent as well as asymptotically normal under mild conditions. We show that, at the population level, our method can be viewed as the maximum likelihood estimation of a re-parameterized distribution belonging to the same class of exponential family. Further, we show that our estimator can be interpreted as a solution to minimizing a particular Bregman score as well as an instance of minimizing the \textit{surrogate} likelihood. We also provide finite sample guarantees to achieve an error (in $\ell_2$-norm) of $\alpha$ in the parameter estimation with sample complexity $O({\sf poly}(k)/\alpha^2)$. Our method achives the order-optimal sample complexity of $O({\sf log}(k)/\alpha^2)$ when tailored for node-wise-sparse Markov random fields. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of our estimator via numerical experiments.


著者 Abhin Shah,Devavrat Shah,Gregory W. Wornell
発行日 2023-09-12 17:25:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク