A Co-design Study for Multi-Stakeholder Job Recommender System Explanations


最近の法案提案により、多くの企業、特に人材採用などのいわゆる「ハイリスク」領域で、説明可能な人工知能 (XAI) に対する需要が大幅に増加しています。
採用業界では、AI が主に求人推薦システム (JRS) の形で一般的になり、候補者と欠員をマッチングしたり、その逆を試みたりします。
ただし、関与する個人の専門知識のレベルや種類が異なるため、一般的な XAI テクニックではこの領域では不十分なことが多く、説明を一般化することが困難です。
これらの調査結果に基づいて、3 つのステークホルダー タイプすべての要件を満たす説明インターフェイスを設計する方法に関するガイドラインを説明します。


Recent legislation proposals have significantly increased the demand for eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in many businesses, especially in so-called `high-risk’ domains, such as recruitment. Within recruitment, AI has become commonplace, mainly in the form of job recommender systems (JRSs), which try to match candidates to vacancies, and vice versa. However, common XAI techniques often fall short in this domain due to the different levels and types of expertise of the individuals involved, making explanations difficult to generalize. To determine the explanation preferences of the different stakeholder types – candidates, recruiters, and companies – we created and validated a semi-structured interview guide. Using grounded theory, we structurally analyzed the results of these interviews and found that different stakeholder types indeed have strongly differing explanation preferences. Candidates indicated a preference for brief, textual explanations that allow them to quickly judge potential matches. On the other hand, hiring managers preferred visual graph-based explanations that provide a more technical and comprehensive overview at a glance. Recruiters found more exhaustive textual explanations preferable, as those provided them with more talking points to convince both parties of the match. Based on these findings, we describe guidelines on how to design an explanation interface that fulfills the requirements of all three stakeholder types. Furthermore, we provide the validated interview guide, which can assist future research in determining the explanation preferences of different stakeholder types.


著者 Roan Schellingerhout,Francesco Barile,Nava Tintarev
発行日 2023-09-11 14:51:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC パーマリンク