From DDMs to DNNs: Using process data and models of decision-making to improve human-AI interactions


次に、マルチエージェント AI における現在のアプローチが、プロセス データと意思決定モデルをどの程度組み込んでいるのか、組み込んでいないのかについて説明します。
最後に、AI のトレーニングと使用に証拠蓄積フレームワークをより原則的に組み込むことが、将来の人間と AI の相互作用の改善にどのように役立つかを概説します。


Over the past decades, cognitive neuroscientists and behavioral economists have recognized the value of describing the process of decision making in detail and modeling the emergence of decisions over time. For example, the time it takes to decide can reveal more about an agent’s true hidden preferences than only the decision itself. Similarly, data that track the ongoing decision process such as eye movements or neural recordings contain critical information that can be exploited, even if no decision is made. Here, we argue that artificial intelligence (AI) research would benefit from a stronger focus on insights about how decisions emerge over time and incorporate related process data to improve AI predictions in general and human-AI interactions in particular. First, we introduce a highly established computational framework that assumes decisions to emerge from the noisy accumulation of evidence, and we present related empirical work in psychology, neuroscience, and economics. Next, we discuss to what extent current approaches in multi-agent AI do or do not incorporate process data and models of decision making. Finally, we outline how a more principled inclusion of the evidence-accumulation framework into the training and use of AI can help to improve human-AI interactions in the future.


著者 Mrugsen Nagsen Gopnarayan,Jaan Aru,Sebastian Gluth
発行日 2023-09-07 15:54:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, q-bio.NC パーマリンク