Feasibility of Local Trajectory Planning for Level-2+ Semi-autonomous Driving without Absolute Localization


この研究では、正確な絶対位置特定に依存せずに、レベル 2+ (L2+) 半自律走行車のローカル軌道計画の実現可能性を掘り下げています。
さらに、提案されたローカル計画手法をさらに検証するために、シミュレーション パイプラインが開発されました。
シミュレーションは、速度とヨー レートの測定に対して異なる誤差設定を使用して 2 つの交通現場で実施されました。
私たちの調査結果は、正確な絶対位置特定が信頼性の高い軌道計画を達成するための唯一の方法ではない可能性を示唆しており、高精度のデュアルアンテナ GPS や SLAM 位置特定のための高忠実度マップの必要性が排除されています。


Autonomous driving has long grappled with the need for precise absolute localization, making full autonomy elusive and raising the capital entry barriers for startups. This study delves into the feasibility of local trajectory planning for level-2+ (L2+) semi-autonomous vehicles without the dependence on accurate absolute localization. Instead, we emphasize the estimation of the pose change between consecutive planning frames from motion sensors and integration of relative locations of traffic objects to the local planning problem under the ego car’s local coordinate system, therefore eliminating the need for an absolute localization. Without the availability of absolute localization for correction, the measurement errors of speed and yaw rate greatly affect the estimation accuracy of the relative pose change between frames. We proved that the feasibility/stability of the continuous planning problem under such motion sensor errors can be guaranteed at certain defined conditions. This was achieved by formulating it as a Lyapunov-stability analysis problem. Moreover, a simulation pipeline was developed to further validate the proposed local planning method. Simulations were conducted at two traffic scenes with different error settings for speed and yaw rate measurements. The results substantiate the proposed framework’s functionality even under relatively inferior sensor errors. We also experiment the stability limits of the planned results under abnormally larger motion sensor errors. The results provide a good match to the previous theoretical analysis. Our findings suggested that precise absolute localization may not be the sole path to achieving reliable trajectory planning, eliminating the necessity for high-accuracy dual-antenna GPS as well as the high-fidelity maps for SLAM localization.


著者 Sheng Zhu,Jiawei Wang,Yu Yang,Bilin Aksun-Guvenc
発行日 2023-09-06 14:44:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク