Agent-based simulation of pedestrians’ earthquake evacuation; application to Beirut, Lebanon


レバノンは、Mw>7 の地震を数回発生させたレバント断層系の中心にあり、最新のものは 1759 年に発生しました。地中海地域で最も地震の危険が高い国の 1 つです。
これは、2012 年まで強制的な耐震規制がなかったこと、高度な都市化、適切な空間計画とリスク防止政策の欠如により、建物の耐震性が高かったことが原因です。
この複雑な状況をシミュレートするために、歩行者の避難シミュレーションは、GAMA に実装された非常に現実的な空間環境で実行されます [1]。
ベイルートの土壌と建物に関する以前のデータ [2、3] は、高解像度のプレアデス衛星画像から抽出された新しい地理データによって補完されています。
レバノンの耐震規制に記載されているように、地震荷重は最大地盤加速度 0.3g として定義されています。
建物の被害は、地震荷重と土壌および建物の振動特性 [5] に基づいて平均被害を予測するように訓練された人工ニューラル ネットワークを使用して推定されます [4]。
2 つの都市構成が実装されています。 1. オープンスペースには障壁がなくアクセスできます。
2. 一部のオープンスペースへのアクセスはブロックされています。
最初のシミュレーション結果は、人口の 52% が地震後 5 分以内に空き地に到着できる一方で、空き地のうちの 1 つが施錠されている場合、この数は 39% に減少することを示しています。


Most seismic risk assessment methods focus on estimating the damages to the built environment and the consequent socioeconomic losses without fully taking into account the social aspect of risk. Yet, human behaviour is a key element in predicting the human impact of an earthquake, therefore, it is important to include it in quantitative risk assessment studies. In this study, an interdisciplinary approach simulating pedestrians’ evacuation during earthquakes at the city scale is developed using an agent-based model. The model integrates the seismic hazard, the physical vulnerability as well as individuals’ behaviours and mobility. The simulator is applied to the case of Beirut, Lebanon. Lebanon is at the heart of the Levant fault system that has generated several Mw>7 earthquakes, the latest being in 1759. It is one of the countries with the highest seismic risk in the Mediterranean region. This is due to the high seismic vulnerability of the buildings due to the absence of mandatory seismic regulation until 2012, the high level of urbanization, and the lack of adequate spatial planning and risk prevention policies. Beirut as the main residential, economic and institutional hub of Lebanon is densely populated. To accommodate the growing need for urban development, constructions have almost taken over all of the green areas of the city; squares and gardens are disappearing to give place to skyscrapers. However, open spaces are safe places to shelter, away from debris, and therefore play an essential role in earthquake evacuation. Despite the massive urbanization, there are a few open spaces but locked gates and other types of anthropogenic barriers often limit their access. To simulate this complex context, pedestrians’ evacuation simulations are run in a highly realistic spatial environment implemented in GAMA [1]. Previous data concerning soil and buildings in Beirut [2, 3] are complemented by new geographic data extracted from high-resolution Pleiades satellite images. The seismic loading is defined as a peak ground acceleration of 0.3g, as stated in Lebanese seismic regulations. Building damages are estimated using an artificial neural network trained to predict the mean damage [4] based on the seismic loading as well as the soil and building vibrational properties [5]. Moreover, the quantity and the footprint of the generated debris around each building are also estimated and included in the model. We simulate how topography, buildings, debris, and access to open spaces, affect individuals’ mobility. Two city configurations are implemented: 1. Open spaces are accessible without any barriers; 2. Access to some open spaces is blocked. The first simulation results show that while 52% of the population is able to arrive to an open space within 5 minutes after an earthquake, this number is reduced to 39% when one of the open spaces is locked. These results show that the presence of accessible open spaces in a city and their proximity to the residential buildings is a crucial factor for ensuring people’s safety when an earthquake occurs.


著者 Rouba Iskandar,Kamel Allaw,Julie Dugdale,Elise Beck,Jocelyne Adjizian-Gérard,Cécile Cornou,Jacques Harb,Pascal Lacroix,Nada Badaro-Saliba,Stéphane Cartier,Rita Zaarour
発行日 2023-09-06 08:00:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク