When Measures are Unreliable: Imperceptible Adversarial Perturbations toward Top-$k$ Multi-Label Learning


ディープ ニューラル ネットワークの大成功により、敵対的学習は、マルチクラス学習からマルチラベル学習に至るまで、さまざまな研究で広く注目されるようになりました。
しかし、マルチラベル学習に対する既存の敵対的攻撃は、従来の視覚的な知覚不可能性を追求するだけで、Precision@$k$ や mAP@$k$ などの対策から生じる新たな知覚可能な問題を無視しています。
最後に、PASCAL VOC 2012、MS COCO、NUS WIDE などの大規模なベンチマーク データセットでの広範な実験により、上位 $k$ のマルチラベル システムを攻撃する際の私たちの提案手法の優位性が実証されました。


With the great success of deep neural networks, adversarial learning has received widespread attention in various studies, ranging from multi-class learning to multi-label learning. However, existing adversarial attacks toward multi-label learning only pursue the traditional visual imperceptibility but ignore the new perceptible problem coming from measures such as Precision@$k$ and mAP@$k$. Specifically, when a well-trained multi-label classifier performs far below the expectation on some samples, the victim can easily realize that this performance degeneration stems from attack, rather than the model itself. Therefore, an ideal multi-labeling adversarial attack should manage to not only deceive visual perception but also evade monitoring of measures. To this end, this paper first proposes the concept of measure imperceptibility. Then, a novel loss function is devised to generate such adversarial perturbations that could achieve both visual and measure imperceptibility. Furthermore, an efficient algorithm, which enjoys a convex objective, is established to optimize this objective. Finally, extensive experiments on large-scale benchmark datasets, such as PASCAL VOC 2012, MS COCO, and NUS WIDE, demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method in attacking the top-$k$ multi-label systems.


著者 Yuchen Sun,Qianqian Xu,Zitai Wang,Qingming Huang
発行日 2023-09-05 14:04:14+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CR, cs.CV, cs.LG パーマリンク