The star-shaped space of solutions of the spherical negative perceptron


ニューラル ネットワークの状況に関する実証研究では、低エネルギー構成は複雑な接続構造でよく見られ、遠く離れた解のペア間にゼロエネルギー パスを構築できることが示されています。
ここでは、連続制約充足問題として構成された典型的な非凸ニューラル ネットワーク モデルである球面ネガティブ パーセプトロンについて考察します。


Empirical studies on the landscape of neural networks have shown that low-energy configurations are often found in complex connected structures, where zero-energy paths between pairs of distant solutions can be constructed. Here we consider the spherical negative perceptron, a prototypical non-convex neural network model framed as a continuous constraint satisfaction problem. We introduce a general analytical method for computing energy barriers in the simplex with vertex configurations sampled from the equilibrium. We find that in the over-parameterized regime the solution manifold displays simple connectivity properties. There exists a large geodesically convex component that is attractive for a wide range of optimization dynamics. Inside this region we identify a subset of atypical high-margin solutions that are geodesically connected with most other solutions, giving rise to a star-shaped geometry. We analytically characterize the organization of the connected space of solutions and show numerical evidence of a transition, at larger constraint densities, where the aforementioned simple geodesic connectivity breaks down.


著者 Brandon Livio Annesi,Clarissa Lauditi,Carlo Lucibello,Enrico M. Malatesta,Gabriele Perugini,Fabrizio Pittorino,Luca Saglietti
発行日 2023-09-05 16:34:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cond-mat.dis-nn, cs.LG, math.PR, math.ST, stat.TH パーマリンク