Inferring effective couplings with Restricted Boltzmann Machines


その中で、エネルギーベースのモデルは、データ内で観察されるすべての統計的相関をモデルのボルツマン重みのレベルで正確に再現することを目的としたニューラル ネットワーク モデルを提供します。
ただし、1 つの課題は、そのようなモデルの物理的解釈を理解することです。


Generative models offer a direct way to model complex data. Among them, energy-based models provide us with a neural network model that aims to accurately reproduce all statistical correlations observed in the data at the level of the Boltzmann weight of the model. However, one challenge is to understand the physical interpretation of such models. In this study, we propose a simple solution by implementing a direct mapping between the energy function of the Restricted Boltzmann Machine and an effective Ising spin Hamiltonian that includes high-order interactions between spins. This mapping includes interactions of all possible orders, going beyond the conventional pairwise interactions typically considered in the inverse Ising approach, and allowing the description of complex datasets. Earlier work attempted to achieve this goal, but the proposed mappings did not do properly treat the complexity of the problem or did not contain direct prescriptions for practical application. To validate our method, we perform several controlled numerical experiments where the training samples are equilibrium samples of predefined models containing local external fields, two-body and three-body interactions in various low-dimensional topologies. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach in learning the correct interaction network and pave the way for its application in modeling interesting datasets. We also evaluate the quality of the inferred model based on different training methods.


著者 Aurélien Decelle,Cyril Furtlehner,Alfonso De Jesus Navas Gómez,Beatriz Seoane
発行日 2023-09-05 14:55:09+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cond-mat.dis-nn, cond-mat.stat-mech, cs.LG パーマリンク