Improving equilibrium propagation without weight symmetry through Jacobian homeostasis


平衡伝播 (EP) は、生物学的またはアナログのニューロモルフィック基板上のニューラル ネットワークの勾配を計算するための誤差逆伝播アルゴリズム (BP) に代わる強力な代替手段です。
この問題に対処するために、重み対称性なしで定式化できる一般化 EP を研究し、バイアスの 2 つの原因を分析的に分離します。
対照的に、重みの非対称性はバイアスを導入し、BP と比較して EP のニューロン エラー ベクトルの位置合わせが不十分なため、タスクのパフォーマンスが低下します。
このホメオスタシス目標により、ImageNet 32​​x32 などの複雑なタスクを解決するネットワークの能力が大幅に向上します。


Equilibrium propagation (EP) is a compelling alternative to the backpropagation of error algorithm (BP) for computing gradients of neural networks on biological or analog neuromorphic substrates. Still, the algorithm requires weight symmetry and infinitesimal equilibrium perturbations, i.e., nudges, to estimate unbiased gradients efficiently. Both requirements are challenging to implement in physical systems. Yet, whether and how weight asymmetry affects its applicability is unknown because, in practice, it may be masked by biases introduced through the finite nudge. To address this question, we study generalized EP, which can be formulated without weight symmetry, and analytically isolate the two sources of bias. For complex-differentiable non-symmetric networks, we show that the finite nudge does not pose a problem, as exact derivatives can still be estimated via a Cauchy integral. In contrast, weight asymmetry introduces bias resulting in low task performance due to poor alignment of EP’s neuronal error vectors compared to BP. To mitigate this issue, we present a new homeostatic objective that directly penalizes functional asymmetries of the Jacobian at the network’s fixed point. This homeostatic objective dramatically improves the network’s ability to solve complex tasks such as ImageNet 32×32. Our results lay the theoretical groundwork for studying and mitigating the adverse effects of imperfections of physical networks on learning algorithms that rely on the substrate’s relaxation dynamics.


著者 Axel Laborieux,Friedemann Zenke
発行日 2023-09-05 13:20:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.NE パーマリンク