Graph-Based Interaction-Aware Multimodal 2D Vehicle Trajectory Prediction using Diffusion Graph Convolutional Networks


この研究では、これらのインタラクションを効果的に捕捉することで将来の車両の軌道を確率的に予測するように設計された、グラフベースのインタラクション対応マルチモーダル軌道予測 (GIMTP) フレームワークを紹介します。
この動的隣接行列に埋め込まれた空間依存性と時間依存性の両方を総合的に捕捉するために、この方法論には拡散グラフ畳み込みネットワーク (DGCN) が組み込まれており、それによって過去の状態と将来の状態の両方のグラフ埋め込みが提供されます。
このモデルは、縦方向および横方向の運転行動の各モードについて 2 次元の予測を提供し、対応する確率で確率的な将来の経路を提供し、複雑な車両相互作用と運転行動のマルチモダリティの課題に対処します。


Predicting vehicle trajectories is crucial for ensuring automated vehicle operation efficiency and safety, particularly on congested multi-lane highways. In such dynamic environments, a vehicle’s motion is determined by its historical behaviors as well as interactions with surrounding vehicles. These intricate interactions arise from unpredictable motion patterns, leading to a wide range of driving behaviors that warrant in-depth investigation. This study presents the Graph-based Interaction-aware Multi-modal Trajectory Prediction (GIMTP) framework, designed to probabilistically predict future vehicle trajectories by effectively capturing these interactions. Within this framework, vehicles’ motions are conceptualized as nodes in a time-varying graph, and the traffic interactions are represented by a dynamic adjacency matrix. To holistically capture both spatial and temporal dependencies embedded in this dynamic adjacency matrix, the methodology incorporates the Diffusion Graph Convolutional Network (DGCN), thereby providing a graph embedding of both historical states and future states. Furthermore, we employ a driving intention-specific feature fusion, enabling the adaptive integration of historical and future embeddings for enhanced intention recognition and trajectory prediction. This model gives two-dimensional predictions for each mode of longitudinal and lateral driving behaviors and offers probabilistic future paths with corresponding probabilities, addressing the challenges of complex vehicle interactions and multi-modality of driving behaviors. Validation using real-world trajectory datasets demonstrates the efficiency and potential.


著者 Keshu Wu,Yang Zhou,Haotian Shi,Xiaopeng Li,Bin Ran
発行日 2023-09-05 06:28:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.GR, cs.RO パーマリンク