Quantifying Causes of Arctic Amplification via Deep Learning based Time-series Causal Inference


これらの課題に取り組むために、私たちはリカレント ニューラル ネットワークと新しい確率的バランシング手法を使用して、継続的な治療の下で因果関係を推測する時系列因果推論モデル TCINet を提案します。


The warming of the Arctic, also known as Arctic amplification, is led by several atmospheric and oceanic drivers. However, the details of its underlying thermodynamic causes are still unknown. Inferring the causal effects of atmospheric processes on sea ice melt using fixed treatment effect strategies leads to unrealistic counterfactual estimations. Such models are also prone to bias due to time-varying confoundedness. Further, the complex non-linearity in Earth science data makes it infeasible to perform causal inference using existing marginal structural techniques. In order to tackle these challenges, we propose TCINet – time-series causal inference model to infer causation under continuous treatment using recurrent neural networks and a novel probabilistic balancing technique. Through experiments on synthetic and observational data, we show how our research can substantially improve the ability to quantify leading causes of Arctic sea ice melt, further paving paths for causal inference in observational Earth science.


著者 Sahara Ali,Omar Faruque,Yiyi Huang,Md. Osman Gani,Aneesh Subramanian,Nicole-Jienne Shchlegel,Jianwu Wang
発行日 2023-08-29 14:07:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, physics.ao-ph, stat.ME パーマリンク