PronounFlow: A Hybrid Approach for Calibrating Pronouns in Sentences


しかし、これらのシステムが現代英語で直面している問題の 1 つは、性代名詞が欠如していることであり、人々はこの問題全体を避けるために、男性、女性、または複数を使って代名詞を代用しようとします。
これらの質問に答えるために、両方の長所を利用する神経記号システムの実装を通じて、代名詞と実体を含むあらゆる英語文を読み取り、それらのどれが互いに結びついていないのかを識別するシステムである PronounFlow を採用しています。
実施された実験では、PronounFlow が周囲の人類の集合的知識に基づいて文中の代名詞を代替するだけでなく、代名詞の曖昧さ回避プロセスを備えた共参照解決システムにも大幅に役立つことが示されています。


Flip through any book or listen to any song lyrics, and you will come across pronouns that, in certain cases, can hinder meaning comprehension, especially for machines. As the role of having cognitive machines becomes pervasive in our lives, numerous systems have been developed to resolve pronouns under various challenges. Commensurate with this, it is believed that having systems able to disambiguate pronouns in sentences will help towards the endowment of machines with commonsense and reasoning abilities like those found in humans. However, one problem these systems face with modern English is the lack of gender pronouns, where people try to alternate by using masculine, feminine, or plural to avoid the whole issue. Since humanity aims to the building of systems in the full-bodied sense we usually reserve for people, what happens when pronouns in written text, like plural or epicene ones, refer to unspecified entities whose gender is not necessarily known? Wouldn’t that put extra barriers to existing coreference resolution systems? Towards answering those questions, through the implementation of a neural-symbolic system that utilizes the best of both worlds, we are employing PronounFlow, a system that reads any English sentence with pronouns and entities, identifies which of them are not tied to each other, and makes suggestions on which to use to avoid biases. Undertaken experiments show that PronounFlow not only alternates pronouns in sentences based on the collective human knowledge around us but also considerably helps coreference resolution systems with the pronoun disambiguation process.


著者 Nicos Isaak
発行日 2023-08-29 11:46:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, I.2.0 パーマリンク