Characterizing Learning Curves During Language Model Pre-Training: Learning, Forgetting, and Stability


この質問を研究するために、コンテキスト内の 100 万個のトークンについて、5 回の自己回帰英語モデルの事前トレーニング実行から学習曲線を抽出しました。
N グラムの確率が高くなると、これらの効果がさらに強調されます。
ターゲット トークンとは無関係に、より短く、より頻繁なコンテキストは、わずかに安定して迅速に取得される予測と相関します。


How do language models learn to make predictions during pre-training? To study this question, we extract learning curves from five autoregressive English language model pre-training runs, for 1M tokens in context. We observe that the language models generate short repetitive phrases before learning to generate longer and more coherent text. We quantify the final surprisal, within-run variability, age of acquisition, forgettability, and cross-run variability of learning curves for individual tokens in context. More frequent tokens reach lower final surprisals, exhibit less variability within and across pre-training runs, are learned earlier, and are less likely to be ‘forgotten’ during pre-training. Higher n-gram probabilities further accentuate these effects. Independent of the target token, shorter and more frequent contexts correlate with marginally more stable and quickly acquired predictions. Effects of part-of-speech are also small, although nouns tend to be acquired later and less stably than verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Our work contributes to a better understanding of language model pre-training dynamics and informs the deployment of stable language models in practice.


著者 Tyler A. Chang,Zhuowen Tu,Benjamin K. Bergen
発行日 2023-08-29 16:24:09+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク