Predicting Class Distribution Shift for Reliable Domain Adaptive Object Detection


教師なしドメイン適応物体検出 (UDA-OD) は、ラベルなしのデータを使用して、オープンワールド環境におけるロボット ビジョン システムの信頼性を向上させます。
自己学習に基づく UDA-OD へのこれまでのアプローチは、画像の一般的な外観の変化を克服するのに効果的でした。
私たちの手法は、困難なクラス分布の変化に直面した場合の 4.7 mAP の改善など、いくつかのベンチマークで最先端のアプローチを上回っています。


Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Object Detection (UDA-OD) uses unlabelled data to improve the reliability of robotic vision systems in open-world environments. Previous approaches to UDA-OD based on self-training have been effective in overcoming changes in the general appearance of images. However, shifts in a robot’s deployment environment can also impact the likelihood that different objects will occur, termed class distribution shift. Motivated by this, we propose a framework for explicitly addressing class distribution shift to improve pseudo-label reliability in self-training. Our approach uses the domain invariance and contextual understanding of a pre-trained joint vision and language model to predict the class distribution of unlabelled data. By aligning the class distribution of pseudo-labels with this prediction, we provide weak supervision of pseudo-label accuracy. To further account for low quality pseudo-labels early in self-training, we propose an approach to dynamically adjust the number of pseudo-labels per image based on model confidence. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on several benchmarks, including a 4.7 mAP improvement when facing challenging class distribution shift.


著者 Nicolas Harvey Chapman,Feras Dayoub,Will Browne,Christopher Lehnert
発行日 2023-08-28 07:19:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク