Asch Meets HRI: Human Conformity to Robot Groups


したがって、私たちは産業用ロボットを使用して古典的な Asch 実験 (\cite{Asch_51} を参照) を HRI に移植することを目指しています。
より正確には、誤った応答をするグループ (対個人) の産業用ロボット アーム (対 人間) の仲間に直面したときに、参加者がロボットの応答にどの程度従うかをテストします。


We present a research outline that aims at investigating group dynamics and peer pressure in the context of industrial robots. Our research plan was motivated by the fact that industrial robots became already an integral part of human-robot co-working. However, industrial robots have been sparsely integrated into research on robot credibility, group dynamics, and potential users’ tendency to follow a robot’s indication. Therefore, we aim to transfer the classic Asch experiment (see \cite{Asch_51}) into HRI with industrial robots. More precisely, we will test to what extent participants follow a robot’s response when confronted with a group (vs. individual) industrial robot arms (vs. human) peers who give a false response. We are interested in highlighting the effects of group size, perceived robot credibility, psychological stress, and peer pressure in the context of industrial robots. With the results of this research, we hope to highlight group dynamics that might underlie HRI in industrial settings in which numerous robots already work closely together with humans in shared environments.


著者 Jasmina Bernotat,Doreen Jirak,Eduardo Benitez Sandoval,Francisco Cruz
発行日 2023-08-25 11:14:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク