Minimizing Turns in Watchman Robot Navigation: Strategies and Solutions


直交監視ルート問題 (OWRP) には、監視ルートとして知られる、ロボットが多角形環境内でたどる必要がある最短経路の検索が伴います。
主な目的は、環境内のすべてのポイントがルート上の少なくとも 1 つのポイントから確実に見えるようにし、ロボットが 1 回の連続スイープでエリア全体を調査できるようにすることです。
この論文では、環境が単調であるという仮定の下で OWRP を解くための効率的な線形時間アルゴリズムを紹介します。


The Orthogonal Watchman Route Problem (OWRP) entails the search for the shortest path, known as the watchman route, that a robot must follow within a polygonal environment. The primary objective is to ensure that every point in the environment remains visible from at least one point on the route, allowing the robot to survey the entire area in a single, continuous sweep. This research places particular emphasis on reducing the number of turns in the route, as it is crucial for optimizing navigation in watchman routes within the field of robotics. The cost associated with changing direction is of significant importance, especially for specific types of robots. This paper introduces an efficient linear-time algorithm for solving the OWRP under the assumption that the environment is monotone. The findings of this study contribute to the progress of robotic systems by enabling the design of more streamlined patrol robots. These robots are capable of efficiently navigating complex environments while minimizing the number of turns. This advancement enhances their coverage and surveillance capabilities, making them highly effective in various real-world applications.


著者 Hamid Hoorfar,Sara Moshtaghi Largani,Reza Rahimi,Alireza Bagheri
発行日 2023-08-19 18:53:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク