Deep Evidential Learning for Bayesian Quantile Regression


不確実性を定量化する従来の方法は計算コストがかかるため、単一の決定論的なフォワードパス モデルから正確な不確実性を推定することが望ましい。
提案された方法は証拠学習に基づいており、これによりモデルは単一の決定論的なフォワードパス モデルで偶然的および認識的不確実性を捉えることができます。


It is desirable to have accurate uncertainty estimation from a single deterministic forward-pass model, as traditional methods for uncertainty quantification are computationally expensive. However, this is difficult because single forward-pass models do not sample weights during inference and often make assumptions about the target distribution, such as assuming it is Gaussian. This can be restrictive in regression tasks, where the mean and standard deviation are inadequate to model the target distribution accurately. This paper proposes a deep Bayesian quantile regression model that can estimate the quantiles of a continuous target distribution without the Gaussian assumption. The proposed method is based on evidential learning, which allows the model to capture aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty with a single deterministic forward-pass model. This makes the method efficient and scalable to large models and datasets. We demonstrate that the proposed method achieves calibrated uncertainties on non-Gaussian distributions, disentanglement of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty, and robustness to out-of-distribution samples.


著者 Frederik Boe Hüttel,Filipe Rodrigues,Francisco Câmara Pereira
発行日 2023-08-21 11:42:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク