Clustered Linear Contextual Bandits with Knapsacks


この研究では、報酬とリソース消費がクラスター固有の線形モデルの結果であるクラスター化されたコンテキスト バンディットを研究します。
特に、ランダムに選択されたアームのサブセットに対してクラスタリングを 1 回だけ実行するだけで十分であることを示します。


In this work, we study clustered contextual bandits where rewards and resource consumption are the outcomes of cluster-specific linear models. The arms are divided in clusters, with the cluster memberships being unknown to an algorithm. Pulling an arm in a time period results in a reward and in consumption for each one of multiple resources, and with the total consumption of any resource exceeding a constraint implying the termination of the algorithm. Thus, maximizing the total reward requires learning not only models about the reward and the resource consumption, but also cluster memberships. We provide an algorithm that achieves regret sublinear in the number of time periods, without requiring access to all of the arms. In particular, we show that it suffices to perform clustering only once to a randomly selected subset of the arms. To achieve this result, we provide a sophisticated combination of techniques from the literature of econometrics and of bandits with constraints.


著者 Yichuan Deng,Michalis Mamakos,Zhao Song
発行日 2023-08-21 13:47:13+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク