Reactive Motion Generation on Learned Riemannian Manifolds


測地線は、当社の新しい変分オートエンコーダ (VAE) によって生成された学習リーマン計量を使用して生成されます。VAE は、特にフルポーズのエンドエフェクター状態とジョイント スペース構成を復元することを目的としています。
私たちは、7-DoF ロボット マニピュレーターを使用して、タスク空間と関節空間のシナリオでアプローチを広範囲にテストしました。


In recent decades, advancements in motion learning have enabled robots to acquire new skills and adapt to unseen conditions in both structured and unstructured environments. In practice, motion learning methods capture relevant patterns and adjust them to new conditions such as dynamic obstacle avoidance or variable targets. In this paper, we investigate the robot motion learning paradigm from a Riemannian manifold perspective. We argue that Riemannian manifolds may be learned via human demonstrations in which geodesics are natural motion skills. The geodesics are generated using a learned Riemannian metric produced by our novel variational autoencoder (VAE), which is especially intended to recover full-pose end-effector states and joint space configurations. In addition, we propose a technique for facilitating on-the-fly end-effector/multiple-limb obstacle avoidance by reshaping the learned manifold using an obstacle-aware ambient metric. The motion generated using these geodesics may naturally result in multiple-solution tasks that have not been explicitly demonstrated previously. We extensively tested our approach in task space and joint space scenarios using a 7-DoF robotic manipulator. We demonstrate that our method is capable of learning and generating motion skills based on complicated motion patterns demonstrated by a human operator. Additionally, we assess several obstacle avoidance strategies and generate trajectories in multiple-mode settings.


著者 Hadi Beik-Mohammadi,Søren Hauberg,Georgios Arvanitidis,Gerhard Neumann,Leonel Rozo
発行日 2023-08-17 16:05:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク