Pedestrian Environment Model for Automated Driving


位置の 3D 情報を取得するには、車両位置と連動して連続フレームのデータを集計します。
CARLA シミュレーターと nuScenes データセットで生成されたデータで歩行者環境モデルをデモンストレーションします。
全体として、両方のデータセットで相対位置誤差は約 16% に達します。


Besides interacting correctly with other vehicles, automated vehicles should also be able to react in a safe manner to vulnerable road users like pedestrians or cyclists. For a safe interaction between pedestrians and automated vehicles, the vehicle must be able to interpret the pedestrian’s behavior. Common environment models do not contain information like body poses used to understand the pedestrian’s intent. In this work, we propose an environment model that includes the position of the pedestrians as well as their pose information. We only use images from a monocular camera and the vehicle’s localization data as input to our pedestrian environment model. We extract the skeletal information with a neural network human pose estimator from the image. Furthermore, we track the skeletons with a simple tracking algorithm based on the Hungarian algorithm and an ego-motion compensation. To obtain the 3D information of the position, we aggregate the data from consecutive frames in conjunction with the vehicle position. We demonstrate our pedestrian environment model on data generated with the CARLA simulator and the nuScenes dataset. Overall, we reach a relative position error of around 16% on both datasets.


著者 Adrian Holzbock,Alexander Tsaregorodtsev,Vasileios Belagiannis
発行日 2023-08-17 16:10:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.RO パーマリンク