Set-Valued Rigid Body Dynamics for Simultaneous, Inelastic, Frictional Impacts


ロボット シミュレーターは通常、この順序を予測する精度が不足しており、代わりにヒューリスティックを使用して 1 つを選択します。
まず、ラウスの影響モデルを差分包含 (DI) として再定式化することで複数の影響に拡張し、どのような解決策でも有限時間内にすべての影響を解決できることを示します。
時間を状態として考えることで、このモデルを剛体ダイナミクスの連続時間進化を捉える別の DI に埋め込み、解の存在を保証します。
最後に、同時衝突のシミュレーションを線形相補性問題 (LCP) として投影し、確率的保証を備えた衝突後の速度設定を厳密に近似するアルゴリズムを開発します。


Robotic manipulation and locomotion often entail nearly-simultaneous collisions — such as heel and toe strikes during a foot step — with outcomes that are extremely sensitive to the order in which impacts occur. Robotic simulators commonly lack the accuracy to predict this ordering, and instead pick one with a heuristic. This discrepancy degrades performance when model-based controllers and policies learned in simulation are placed on a real robot. We reconcile this issue with a set-valued rigid-body model which generates a broad set of physically reasonable outcomes of simultaneous frictional impacts. We first extend Routh’s impact model to multiple impacts by reformulating it as a differential inclusion (DI), and show that any solution will resolve all impacts in finite time. By considering time as a state, we embed this model into another DI which captures the continuous-time evolution of rigid body dynamics, and guarantee existence of solutions. We finally cast simulation of simultaneous impacts as a linear complementarity problem (LCP), and develop an algorithm for tight approximation of the post-impact velocity set with probabilistic guarantees. We demonstrate our approach on several examples drawn from manipulation and legged locomotion.


著者 Mathew Halm,Michael Posa
発行日 2023-08-14 18:02:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク