Seeing the Fruit for the Leaves: Robotically Mapping Apple Fruitlets in a Commercial Orchard


このプラットフォームは、高さ 3.4 メートルの 2D リンゴの林冠構造にまたがり、各木の実の正確なマップを作成します。
両面スキャンの計数精度は 81.17 % で、片面スキャンの 73.7 % よりも高かったため、包括的なプラットフォームの要件は正当化されました。
このシステムは、実際のサイズの 5.9% RMSE 以内のサイズ推定値を生成することも実証されました。


Aotearoa New Zealand has a strong and growing apple industry but struggles to access workers to complete skilled, seasonal tasks such as thinning. To ensure effective thinning and make informed decisions on a per-tree basis, it is crucial to accurately measure the crop load of individual apple trees. However, this task poses challenges due to the dense foliage that hides the fruitlets within the tree structure. In this paper, we introduce the vision system of an automated apple fruitlet thinning robot, developed to tackle the labor shortage issue. This paper presents the initial design, implementation,and evaluation specifics of the system. The platform straddles the 3.4 m tall 2D apple canopy structures to create an accurate map of the fruitlets on each tree. We show that this platform can measure the fruitlet load on an apple tree by scanning through both sides of the branch. The requirement of an overarching platform was justified since two-sided scans had a higher counting accuracy of 81.17 % than one-sided scans at 73.7 %. The system was also demonstrated to produce size estimates within 5.9% RMSE of their true size.


著者 Ans Qureshi,David Smith,Trevor Gee,Mahla Nejati,Jalil Shahabi,JongYoon Lim,Ho Seok Ahn,Ben McGuinness,Catherine Downes,Rahul Jangali,Kale Black,Hin Lim,Mike Duke,Bruce MacDonald,Henry Williams
発行日 2023-08-15 00:33:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク