Controlling Character Motions without Observable Driving Source


駆動源からのセマンティックな制約がなければ、標準的な自己回帰モデルを使用して無限に長いシーケンスを生成すると、1) 蓄積された誤差による分布外 (OOD) の問題、2) 自然で本物のような表現を生み出すには多様性が不十分という結果が容易に発生します。
モーション シーケンスと 3) 時間に沿った望ましくない周期的パターン。
上記の課題に取り組むために、VQ-VAE の利点と、慎重に設計された報酬関数を使用した強化学習で訓練された新しいトークンレベルの制御ポリシーを組み合わせた体系的なフレームワークを提案します。


How to generate diverse, life-like, and unlimited long head/body sequences without any driving source? We argue that this under-investigated research problem is non-trivial at all, and has unique technical challenges behind it. Without semantic constraints from the driving sources, using the standard autoregressive model to generate infinitely long sequences would easily result in 1) out-of-distribution (OOD) issue due to the accumulated error, 2) insufficient diversity to produce natural and life-like motion sequences and 3) undesired periodic patterns along the time. To tackle the above challenges, we propose a systematic framework that marries the benefits of VQ-VAE and a novel token-level control policy trained with reinforcement learning using carefully designed reward functions. A high-level prior model can be easily injected on top to generate unlimited long and diverse sequences. Although we focus on no driving sources now, our framework can be generalized for controlled synthesis with explicit driving sources. Through comprehensive evaluations, we conclude that our proposed framework can address all the above-mentioned challenges and outperform other strong baselines very significantly.


著者 Weiyuan Li,Bin Dai,Ziyi Zhou,Qi Yao,Baoyuan Wang
発行日 2023-08-11 09:07:38+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク