Test-Time Selection for Robust Skin Lesion Analysis


私たちは、テストサンプル内のポジティブ(例:病変領域)およびネガティブ(例:アーティファクト)のキーポイントを活用する人間参加型の方法である TTS (Test-Time Selection) を提案します。
TTS は、再トレーニングを必要とせず、アノテーション要件も少なく、偽のアーティファクト関連の相関を悪用しないようにモデルを効果的に誘導します。
ISIC2019 データセット (注釈付き画像のサブセットをリリース) で、バイアスを軽減するためにモデルを現実世界にどのように展開できるかを紹介します。


Skin lesion analysis models are biased by artifacts placed during image acquisition, which influence model predictions despite carrying no clinical information. Solutions that address this problem by regularizing models to prevent learning those spurious features achieve only partial success, and existing test-time debiasing techniques are inappropriate for skin lesion analysis due to either making unrealistic assumptions on the distribution of test data or requiring laborious annotation from medical practitioners. We propose TTS (Test-Time Selection), a human-in-the-loop method that leverages positive (e.g., lesion area) and negative (e.g., artifacts) keypoints in test samples. TTS effectively steers models away from exploiting spurious artifact-related correlations without retraining, and with less annotation requirements. Our solution is robust to a varying availability of annotations, and different levels of bias. We showcase on the ISIC2019 dataset (for which we release a subset of annotated images) how our model could be deployed in the real-world for mitigating bias.


著者 Alceu Bissoto,Catarina Barata,Eduardo Valle,Sandra Avila
発行日 2023-08-10 14:08:50+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク