Improving Image-Based Precision Medicine with Uncertainty-Aware Causal Models


これにより、各治療オプションの不確実性と、任意の 2 つの治療間の個別の治療効果 (ITE) を推定することができます。
私たちはこのモデルをトレーニングおよび評価し、ランダム化対照試験中にいくつかの治療を受けた多発性硬化症患者の MR 脳画像の大規模な多施設データセットに基づいて、将来の新規および拡大する T2 病変数を予測します。
不確実性の推定値と事実の誤差との相関関係を評価し、グランドトゥルースの反事実結果が欠如していることを前提として、ITE 予測の不確実性が ITE 誤差の限界にどのように関係するかを実証します。


Image-based precision medicine aims to personalize treatment decisions based on an individual’s unique imaging features so as to improve their clinical outcome. Machine learning frameworks that integrate uncertainty estimation as part of their treatment recommendations would be safer and more reliable. However, little work has been done in adapting uncertainty estimation techniques and validation metrics for precision medicine. In this paper, we use Bayesian deep learning for estimating the posterior distribution over factual and counterfactual outcomes on several treatments. This allows for estimating the uncertainty for each treatment option and for the individual treatment effects (ITE) between any two treatments. We train and evaluate this model to predict future new and enlarging T2 lesion counts on a large, multi-center dataset of MR brain images of patients with multiple sclerosis, exposed to several treatments during randomized controlled trials. We evaluate the correlation of the uncertainty estimate with the factual error, and, given the lack of ground truth counterfactual outcomes, demonstrate how uncertainty for the ITE prediction relates to bounds on the ITE error. Lastly, we demonstrate how knowledge of uncertainty could modify clinical decision-making to improve individual patient and clinical trial outcomes.


著者 Joshua Durso-Finley,Jean-Pierre Falet,Raghav Mehta,Douglas L. Arnold,Nick Pawlowski,Tal Arbel
発行日 2023-08-10 15:51:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク