Extending an Event-type Ontology: Adding Verbs and Classes Using Fine-tuned LLMs Suggestions


このプロジェクトでは、語彙拡張タスクのデータに事前アノテーションを付けるための、高度な機械学習手法、特に微調整された大規模言語モデルの使用を調査しました。つまり、既存の (ただし現時点では不完全) 言語モデルに説明的な単語 (動詞) を追加します。
まだ) イベント タイプのオントロジー。


In this project, we have investigated the use of advanced machine learning methods, specifically fine-tuned large language models, for pre-annotating data for a lexical extension task, namely adding descriptive words (verbs) to an existing (but incomplete, as of yet) ontology of event types. Several research questions have been focused on, from the investigation of a possible heuristics to provide at least hints to annotators which verbs to include and which are outside the current version of the ontology, to the possible use of the automatic scores to help the annotators to be more efficient in finding a threshold for identifying verbs that cannot be assigned to any existing class and therefore they are to be used as seeds for a new class. We have also carefully examined the correlation of the automatic scores with the human annotation. While the correlation turned out to be strong, its influence on the annotation proper is modest due to its near linearity, even though the mere fact of such pre-annotation leads to relatively short annotation times.


著者 Jana Straková,Eva Fučíková,Jan Hajič,Zdeňka Urešová
発行日 2023-08-10 11:13:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク