Counterfactual Cross-modality Reasoning for Weakly Supervised Video Moment Localization


ただし、弱く教師ありの方法が直面する最大の課題の 1 つは、粗い時間的注釈によって引き起こされるビデオと言語間の不一致にあります。
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Video moment localization aims to retrieve the target segment of an untrimmed video according to the natural language query. Weakly supervised methods gains attention recently, as the precise temporal location of the target segment is not always available. However, one of the greatest challenges encountered by the weakly supervised method is implied in the mismatch between the video and language induced by the coarse temporal annotations. To refine the vision-language alignment, recent works contrast the cross-modality similarities driven by reconstructing masked queries between positive and negative video proposals. However, the reconstruction may be influenced by the latent spurious correlation between the unmasked and the masked parts, which distorts the restoring process and further degrades the efficacy of contrastive learning since the masked words are not completely reconstructed from the cross-modality knowledge. In this paper, we discover and mitigate this spurious correlation through a novel proposed counterfactual cross-modality reasoning method. Specifically, we first formulate query reconstruction as an aggregated causal effect of cross-modality and query knowledge. Then by introducing counterfactual cross-modality knowledge into this aggregation, the spurious impact of the unmasked part contributing to the reconstruction is explicitly modeled. Finally, by suppressing the unimodal effect of masked query, we can rectify the reconstructions of video proposals to perform reasonable contrastive learning. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. The code is available at \href{}{}.


著者 Zezhong Lv,Bing Su,Ji-Rong Wen
発行日 2023-08-10 15:45:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク