Using the power of memes: The Pepper Robot as a communicative facilitator for autistic children (cAESAR2023 workshop)


この記事では、支援ニーズの低い自閉症児(レベル 1 支援)の自律性と機能獲得を促進するために、Pepper ロボットをファシリテーターとして使用した治療実験室の予備的な定性的結果について説明します。
この研究室は学際的なチームによって設計および指導され、11 歳から 13 歳までの 4 人の子供が参加し、4 か月間毎週のミーティングで組織されました。


This article describes the preliminary qualitative results of a therapeutic laboratory involving the Pepper robot, as a facilitator, to promote autonomy and functional acquisition in autistic children with low support needs (level 1 support). The lab, designed and led by a multidisciplinary team, involved 4 children, aged 11 to 13 years, and was organized in weekly meetings for the duration of four months. The following is the result of an in-depth qualitative evaluation of the interactions that took place between the children and the Pepper robot, with the aim of analyzing their effectiveness for the purpose of promoting the development of social and communication skills in the participants. The observations and analyses conducted during the interactions provided valuable insights into the dialogue and communication style employed and paved the way for possible strategies to make the robot more empathetic and engaging for autistic children.


著者 Linda Pigureddu,Cristina Gena
発行日 2023-08-09 11:30:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク