Physics-aware differentiable design of magnetically actuated kirigami for shape morphing


これは、微分可能な運動学とエネルギー モデルを組み合わせて制約付きの最適化を行い、同時にカットと磁化の方向を設計して運動学的および物理的な実現可能性を確保することでこれを実現します。
提案されたフレームワークは、さまざまなアクティブ システムに対応するように拡張でき、形状や物理学を橋渡しして、フレキシブル エレクトロニクスや低侵襲手術などの形状モーフィング アプリケーションの最前線を押し広げることができます。


Shape morphing that transforms morphologies in response to stimuli is crucial for future multifunctional systems. While kirigami holds great promise in enhancing shape-morphing, existing designs primarily focus on kinematics and overlook the underlying physics. This study introduces a differentiable inverse design framework that considers the physical interplay between geometry, materials, and stimuli of active kirigami, made by soft material embedded with magnetic particles, to realize target shape-morphing upon magnetic excitation. We achieve this by combining differentiable kinematics and energy models into a constrained optimization, simultaneously designing the cuts and magnetization orientations to ensure kinematic and physical feasibility. Complex kirigami designs are obtained automatically with unparallel efficiency, which can be remotely controlled to morph into intricate target shapes and even multiple states. The proposed framework can be extended to accommodate various active systems, bridging geometry and physics to push the frontiers in shape-morphing applications, like flexible electronics and minimally invasive surgery.


著者 Liwei Wang,Yilong Chang,Shuai Wu,Ruike Renee Zhao,Wei Chen
発行日 2023-08-09 16:32:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CE, cs.RO, パーマリンク