Modeling Multiple Views via Implicitly Preserving Global Consistency and Local Complementarity


CoCoNet は、一般化されたスライスされた Wasserstein 距離に基づく効率的な不一致メトリック測定を利用して、ビューの確率的分布を調整します。
経験的に、私たちのアプローチの改善効果を調査するために、適切な実験的検証を実施しました。その結果、CoCoNet が最先端の自己教師あり手法よりも大幅に優れていることが実証され、このような暗黙の一貫性と相補性を維持した正則化によって、


While self-supervised learning techniques are often used to mining implicit knowledge from unlabeled data via modeling multiple views, it is unclear how to perform effective representation learning in a complex and inconsistent context. To this end, we propose a methodology, specifically consistency and complementarity network (CoCoNet), which avails of strict global inter-view consistency and local cross-view complementarity preserving regularization to comprehensively learn representations from multiple views. On the global stage, we reckon that the crucial knowledge is implicitly shared among views, and enhancing the encoder to capture such knowledge from data can improve the discriminability of the learned representations. Hence, preserving the global consistency of multiple views ensures the acquisition of common knowledge. CoCoNet aligns the probabilistic distribution of views by utilizing an efficient discrepancy metric measurement based on the generalized sliced Wasserstein distance. Lastly on the local stage, we propose a heuristic complementarity-factor, which joints cross-view discriminative knowledge, and it guides the encoders to learn not only view-wise discriminability but also cross-view complementary information. Theoretically, we provide the information-theoretical-based analyses of our proposed CoCoNet. Empirically, to investigate the improvement gains of our approach, we conduct adequate experimental validations, which demonstrate that CoCoNet outperforms the state-of-the-art self-supervised methods by a significant margin proves that such implicit consistency and complementarity preserving regularization can enhance the discriminability of latent representations.


著者 Jiangmeng Li,Wenwen Qiang,Changwen Zheng,Bing Su,Farid Razzak,Ji-Rong Wen,Hui Xiong
発行日 2023-08-09 14:49:42+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク