Fine-Tuning Games: Bargaining and Adaptation for General-Purpose Models


機械学習 (ML) と人工知能 (AI) の大きな進歩は、汎用モデルの開発とリリースという形で行われることが増えています。
このペーパーでは、ジェネラリストが技術製品 (ここでは ML モデル) を特定のパフォーマンス レベルに引き上げ、1 人以上のドメイン スペシャリストがそれを特定のドメインでの使用に適応させる微調整プロセスのモデルを提供します。


Major advances in Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) increasingly take the form of developing and releasing general-purpose models. These models are designed to be adapted by other businesses and agencies to perform a particular, domain-specific function. This process has become known as adaptation or fine-tuning. This paper offers a model of the fine-tuning process where a Generalist brings the technological product (here an ML model) to a certain level of performance, and one or more Domain-specialist(s) adapts it for use in a particular domain. Both entities are profit-seeking and incur costs when they invest in the technology, and they must reach a bargaining agreement on how to share the revenue for the technology to reach the market. For a relatively general class of cost and revenue functions, we characterize the conditions under which the fine-tuning game yields a profit-sharing solution. We observe that any potential domain-specialization will either contribute, free-ride, or abstain in their uptake of the technology, and we provide conditions yielding these different strategies. We show how methods based on bargaining solutions and sub-game perfect equilibria provide insights into the strategic behavior of firms in these types of interactions, and we find that profit-sharing can still arise even when one firm has significantly higher costs than another. We also provide methods for identifying Pareto-optimal bargaining arrangements for a general set of utility functions.


著者 Benjamin Laufer,Jon Kleinberg,Hoda Heidari
発行日 2023-08-08 17:01:42+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.GT, econ.TH パーマリンク