Semantics-guided Transformer-based Sensor Fusion for Improved Waypoint Prediction




Sensor fusion approaches for intelligent self-driving agents remain key to driving scene understanding given visual global contexts acquired from input sensors. Specifically, for the local waypoint prediction task, single-modality networks are still limited by strong dependency on the sensitivity of the input sensor, and thus recent works promote the use of multiple sensors in fusion in feature level. While it is well known that multiple data modalities promote mutual contextual exchange, deployment to practical driving scenarios requires global 3D scene understanding in real-time with minimal computations, thus placing greater significance on training strategies given a limited number of practically usable sensors. In this light, we exploit carefully selected auxiliary tasks that are highly correlated with the target task of interest (e.g., traffic light recognition and semantic segmentation) by fusing auxiliary task features and also using auxiliary heads for waypoint prediction based on imitation learning. Our multi-task feature fusion augments and improves the base network, TransFuser, by significant margins for safer and more complete road navigation in CARLA simulator as validated on the Town05 Benchmark through extensive experiments.


著者 Hwan-Soo Choi,Jongoh Jeong,Young Hoo Cho,Kuk-Jin Yoon,Jong-Hwan Kim
発行日 2023-08-04 03:59:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク