Congestion Analysis for the DARPA OFFSET CCAST Swarm


国防高等研究計画局 (DARPA) の攻撃的群対応戦術プログラムの、限られたサイズの発射ゾーンから 250 台の無人航空機および地上車両を発射するという目標は、困難な課題でした。
群れの航空機は主にマルチコプター プラットフォームであり、一斉に効率的に打ち上げることができます。
発射ゾーンの空間面積は実地訓練のたびに増加しましたが、群​​れのサイズの増大とそれに伴う車両の GPS 誤差を考慮すると、各車両の相対空間は必ずしも増加したわけではありませんでした。


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) OFFensive Swarm-Enabled Tactics program’s goal of launching 250 unmanned aerial and ground vehicles from a limited sized launch zone was a daunting challenge. The swarm’s aerial vehicles were primarily multirotor platforms, which can efficiently be launched en masse. Each field exercise expected the deployment of an even larger swarm. While the launch zone’s spatial area increased with each field exercise, the relative space for each vehicle was not necessarily increased, considering the increasing size of the swarm and the vehicles’ associated GPS error; however, safe mission deployment and execution were expected. At the same time, achieving the mission goals required maximizing efficiency of the swarm’s performance by reducing congestion that blocked vehicles from completing tactic assignments. Congestion analysis conducted before the final field exercise focused on adjusting various constraints to optimize the swarm’s deployment without reducing safety. During the field exercise, data was collected that permitted analyzing the number and durations of individual vehicle blockages’ impact on the resulting congestion. After the field exercise, additional analyses used the mission plan to validate the use of simulation for analyzing congestion.


著者 Robert Brown,Julie A. Adams
発行日 2023-07-31 15:55:50+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク