Embrace Limited and Imperfect Training Datasets: Opportunities and Challenges in Plant Disease Recognition Using Deep Learning


ただし、満足のいくパフォーマンスを達成するには、多くの場合、高品質のトレーニング データセットが必要であり、収集が困難で費用もかかります。
このトピックを掘り下げるために、高品質のデータセットの特性、つまり大規模な画像と必要なアノテーションを分析し、それらを低品質のデータセットの \emph{限定的} および \emph{不完全} な性質と対比させます。
トレーニング データセットがこれらの特性から逸脱すると、問題が発生します。


Recent advancements in deep learning have brought significant improvements to plant disease recognition. However, achieving satisfactory performance often requires high-quality training datasets, which are challenging and expensive to collect. Consequently, the practical application of current deep learning-based methods in real-world scenarios is hindered by the scarcity of high-quality datasets. In this paper, we argue that embracing poor datasets is viable and aim to explicitly define the challenges associated with using these datasets. To delve into this topic, we analyze the characteristics of high-quality datasets, namely large-scale images and desired annotation, and contrast them with the \emph{limited} and \emph{imperfect} nature of poor datasets. Challenges arise when the training datasets deviate from these characteristics. To provide a comprehensive understanding, we propose a novel and informative taxonomy that categorizes these challenges. Furthermore, we offer a brief overview of existing studies and approaches that address these challenges. We believe that our paper sheds light on the importance of embracing poor datasets, enhances the understanding of the associated challenges, and contributes to the ambitious objective of deploying deep learning in real-world applications. To facilitate the progress, we finally describe several outstanding questions and point out potential future directions. Although our primary focus is on plant disease recognition, we emphasize that the principles of embracing and analyzing poor datasets are applicable to a wider range of domains, including agriculture.


著者 Mingle Xu,Hyongsuk Kim,Jucheng Yang,Alvaro Fuentes,Yao Meng,Sook Yoon,Taehyun Kim,Dong Sun Park
発行日 2023-07-28 14:29:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク