PlaSma: Making Small Language Models Better Procedural Knowledge Models for (Counterfactual) Planning


現在のアプローチは、大規模言語モデル (LLM) を使用した有望な結果を示していますが、コストのかかる API 呼び出しや再現性の問題などの欠点によって妨げられています。
我々は、小さな言語モデルに手続き的知識と(反事実的な)計画能力を与えるための新しい二面アプローチである PlaSma を紹介します。
元の設定と反事実の設定の両方で、桁違いに小さいモデル (770M-11B パラメーター) が競合し、多くの場合、より大きな教師モデルの能力を上回ることができることを示します。


Procedural planning, which entails decomposing a high-level goal into a sequence of temporally ordered steps, is an important yet intricate task for machines. It involves integrating common-sense knowledge to reason about complex contextualized situations that are often counterfactual, e.g. ‘scheduling a doctor’s appointment without a phone’. While current approaches show encouraging results using large language models (LLMs), they are hindered by drawbacks such as costly API calls and reproducibility issues. In this paper, we advocate planning using smaller language models. We present PlaSma, a novel two-pronged approach to endow small language models with procedural knowledge and (counterfactual) planning capabilities. More concretely, we develop symbolic procedural knowledge distillation to enhance the implicit knowledge in small language models and an inference-time algorithm to facilitate more structured and accurate reasoning. In addition, we introduce a novel task, Counterfactual Planning, that requires a revision of a plan to cope with a counterfactual situation. In both the original and counterfactual setting, we show that orders-of-magnitude smaller models (770M-11B parameters) can compete and often surpass their larger teacher models’ capabilities.


著者 Faeze Brahman,Chandra Bhagavatula,Valentina Pyatkin,Jena D. Hwang,Xiang Lorraine Li,Hirona J. Arai,Soumya Sanyal,Keisuke Sakaguchi,Xiang Ren,Yejin Choi
発行日 2023-07-26 19:45:19+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク