Harnessing Synthetic Active Particles for Physical Reservoir Computing


これらは現代の機械学習の多くの変形にインスピレーションを与え、そのうちの 1 つがリザーバー コンピューティングです。このコンピューティングでは、フェーディング メモリでノードのネットワークを刺激することで計算と複雑な予測が可能になります。
リザーバーはコンピューター ハードウェア上に実装されますが、物理リザーバー コンピューティングとして要約されることが多い機械振動子、スピン、バクテリアなどの型破りな物理基板にも実装されます。


The processing of information is an indispensable property of living systems realized by networks of active processes with enormous complexity. They have inspired many variants of modern machine learning one of them being reservoir computing, in which stimulating a network of nodes with fading memory enables computations and complex predictions. Reservoirs are implemented on computer hardware, but also on unconventional physical substrates such as mechanical oscillators, spins, or bacteria often summarized as physical reservoir computing. Here we demonstrate physical reservoir computing with a synthetic active microparticle system that self-organizes from an active and passive component into inherently noisy nonlinear dynamical units. The self-organization and dynamical response of the unit is the result of a delayed propulsion of the microswimmer to a passive target. A reservoir of such units with a self-coupling via the delayed response can perform predictive tasks despite the strong noise resulting from Brownian motion of the microswimmers. To achieve efficient noise suppression, we introduce a special architecture that uses historical reservoir states for output. Our results pave the way for the study of information processing in synthetic self-organized active particle systems.


著者 Xiangzun Wang,Frank Cichos
発行日 2023-07-27 17:08:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cond-mat.dis-nn, cond-mat.soft, cs.LG パーマリンク