Multimodal Manoeuvre and Trajectory Prediction for Automated Driving on Highways Using Transformer Networks


車両を含む他の道路利用者の行動 (つまり、操作/軌道) を予測することは、自動運転システム (ADS) とも呼ばれる自動運転車両 (AV) の安全かつ効率的な運用にとって重要です。
したがって、マルチモーダル予測はシングルモード予測よりも豊富な情報を提供できるため、AV はより適切なリスク評価を実行できます。
フレームワークのパフォーマンスは、NGSIM、highD、exiD という 3 つの公道走行データセットを使用して評価されます。


Predicting the behaviour (i.e., manoeuvre/trajectory) of other road users, including vehicles, is critical for the safe and efficient operation of autonomous vehicles (AVs), a.k.a., automated driving systems (ADSs). Due to the uncertain future behaviour of vehicles, multiple future behaviour modes are often plausible for a vehicle in a given driving scene. Therefore, multimodal prediction can provide richer information than single-mode prediction, enabling AVs to perform a better risk assessment. To this end, we propose a novel multimodal prediction framework that can predict multiple plausible behaviour modes and their likelihoods. The proposed framework includes a bespoke problem formulation for manoeuvre prediction, a novel transformer-based prediction model, and a tailored training method for multimodal manoeuvre and trajectory prediction. The performance of the framework is evaluated using three public highway driving datasets, namely NGSIM, highD, and exiD. The results show that our framework outperforms the state-of-the-art multimodal methods in terms of prediction error and is capable of predicting plausible manoeuvre and trajectory modes.


著者 Sajjad Mozaffari,Mreza Alipour Sormoli,Konstantinos Koufos,Mehrdad Dianati
発行日 2023-07-26 16:58:06+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク