Learning Optimal Fair Classification Trees: Trade-offs Between Interpretability, Fairness, and Accuracy


これらのニーズを念頭に置いて、任意の公平性制約で強化できる最適な分類ツリー (最も解釈可能なモデルの 1 つ) を学習するための混合整数最適化 (MIO) フレームワークを提案します。
その際、私たちは解釈可能性、公平性、予測精度の間のトレードオフに関する最初の包括的な分析の 1 つを実行します。
視差しきい値が固定されている場合、私たちの方法では、最高のパフォーマンスを誇る複雑なモデルと比較して、サンプル外精度の点で約 4.2 パーセント ポイントの解釈可能性の代償が発生します。


The increasing use of machine learning in high-stakes domains — where people’s livelihoods are impacted — creates an urgent need for interpretable, fair, and highly accurate algorithms. With these needs in mind, we propose a mixed integer optimization (MIO) framework for learning optimal classification trees — one of the most interpretable models — that can be augmented with arbitrary fairness constraints. In order to better quantify the ‘price of interpretability’, we also propose a new measure of model interpretability called decision complexity that allows for comparisons across different classes of machine learning models. We benchmark our method against state-of-the-art approaches for fair classification on popular datasets; in doing so, we conduct one of the first comprehensive analyses of the trade-offs between interpretability, fairness, and predictive accuracy. Given a fixed disparity threshold, our method has a price of interpretability of about 4.2 percentage points in terms of out-of-sample accuracy compared to the best performing, complex models. However, our method consistently finds decisions with almost full parity, while other methods rarely do.


著者 Nathanael Jo,Sina Aghaei,Andrés Gómez,Phebe Vayanos
発行日 2023-07-25 14:41:05+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG, math.OC パーマリンク