A model for efficient dynamical ranking in networks


私たちの方法は線形方程式系を解くことによって機能し、調整する必要があるパラメーターは 1 つだけです。
私たちは、合成データと実際のデータの両方を含むさまざまなアプリケーションで相互作用 (エッジの存在) とその結果 (エッジの方向) を予測する能力を評価することにより、メソッドをテストします。


We present a physics-inspired method for inferring dynamic rankings in directed temporal networks – networks in which each directed and timestamped edge reflects the outcome and timing of a pairwise interaction. The inferred ranking of each node is real-valued and varies in time as each new edge, encoding an outcome like a win or loss, raises or lowers the node’s estimated strength or prestige, as is often observed in real scenarios including sequences of games, tournaments, or interactions in animal hierarchies. Our method works by solving a linear system of equations and requires only one parameter to be tuned. As a result, the corresponding algorithm is scalable and efficient. We test our method by evaluating its ability to predict interactions (edges’ existence) and their outcomes (edges’ directions) in a variety of applications, including both synthetic and real data. Our analysis shows that in many cases our method’s performance is better than existing methods for predicting dynamic rankings and interaction outcomes.


著者 Andrea Della Vecchia,Kibidi Neocosmos,Daniel B. Larremore,Cristopher Moore,Caterina De Bacco
発行日 2023-07-25 14:47:36+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.SI, physics.data-an, physics.soc-ph パーマリンク