Robust Visual Question Answering: Datasets, Methods, and Future Challenges


ただし、以前の一般的な VQA 手法では、答えを予測する前に画像をグラウンディングするなど、適切な動作を学習するのではなく、トレーニング データに存在するバイアスを記憶する傾向がよくあることが広く認識されています。
近年、VQA のロバスト性を評価および強化するために、さまざまなデータセットとバイアス除去手法がそれぞれ提案されています。
さらに、VQA 上の代表的な視覚および言語事前トレーニング モデルの堅牢性を分析し、議論します。


Visual question answering requires a system to provide an accurate natural language answer given an image and a natural language question. However, it is widely recognized that previous generic VQA methods often exhibit a tendency to memorize biases present in the training data rather than learning proper behaviors, such as grounding images before predicting answers. Therefore, these methods usually achieve high in-distribution but poor out-of-distribution performance. In recent years, various datasets and debiasing methods have been proposed to evaluate and enhance the VQA robustness, respectively. This paper provides the first comprehensive survey focused on this emerging fashion. Specifically, we first provide an overview of the development process of datasets from in-distribution and out-of-distribution perspectives. Then, we examine the evaluation metrics employed by these datasets. Thirdly, we propose a typology that presents the development process, similarities and differences, robustness comparison, and technical features of existing debiasing methods. Furthermore, we analyze and discuss the robustness of representative vision-and-language pre-training models on VQA. Finally, through a thorough review of the available literature and experimental analysis, we discuss the key areas for future research from various viewpoints.


著者 Jie Ma,Pinghui Wang,Dechen Kong,Zewei Wang,Jun Liu,Hongbin Pei,Junzhou Zhao
発行日 2023-07-21 10:12:09+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, I.2.10 パーマリンク