More From Less: Self-Supervised Knowledge Distillation for Routine Histopathology Data


進歩にもかかわらず、研究や診断のための高度な画像技術の実用化は依然としてコストと入手可能性によって制限されているため、実際には H&E 染色などの情報が希薄なデータに依存しています。
学習された表現に大きな効果があることがわかり、このトレーニング プロセスにより、他の方法では検出されない微妙な特徴が特定されます。


Medical imaging technologies are generating increasingly large amounts of high-quality, information-dense data. Despite the progress, practical use of advanced imaging technologies for research and diagnosis remains limited by cost and availability, so information-sparse data such as H&E stains are relied on in practice. The study of diseased tissue requires methods which can leverage these information-dense data to extract more value from routine, information-sparse data. Using self-supervised deep learning, we demonstrate that it is possible to distil knowledge during training from information-dense data into models which only require information-sparse data for inference. This improves downstream classification accuracy on information-sparse data, making it comparable with the fully-supervised baseline. We find substantial effects on the learned representations, and this training process identifies subtle features which otherwise go undetected. This approach enables the design of models which require only routine images, but contain insights from state-of-the-art data, allowing better use of the available resources.


著者 Lucas Farndale,Robert Insall,Ke Yuan
発行日 2023-07-21 17:15:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク