Bone mineral density estimation from a plain X-ray image by learning decomposition into projections of bone-segmented computed tomography


デュアルエネルギー X 線吸光光度計 (DXA) と定量的コンピューター断層撮影 (QCT) は、骨粗鬆症の診断において非常に正確です。
ただし、これらのモダリティには特別な機器とスキャン プロトコルが必要です。
既存の手法では、BMD を推定するために関心領域の抽出と単純回帰からなる多段階アプローチが使用されており、大量のトレーニング データが必要です。
提案手法は BMD 推定において高い精度を達成し、DXA 測定 BMD および QCT 測定 BMD 推定タスクでそれぞれ 0.880 および 0.920 のピアソン相関係数が観察され、異なる姿勢での 4 つの測定で変動係数値の二乗平均平方根は 3.27 ~ 3.79% でした。


Osteoporosis is a prevalent bone disease that causes fractures in fragile bones, leading to a decline in daily living activities. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and quantitative computed tomography (QCT) are highly accurate for diagnosing osteoporosis; however, these modalities require special equipment and scan protocols. To frequently monitor bone health, low-cost, low-dose, and ubiquitously available diagnostic methods are highly anticipated. In this study, we aim to perform bone mineral density (BMD) estimation from a plain X-ray image for opportunistic screening, which is potentially useful for early diagnosis. Existing methods have used multi-stage approaches consisting of extraction of the region of interest and simple regression to estimate BMD, which require a large amount of training data. Therefore, we propose an efficient method that learns decomposition into projections of bone-segmented QCT for BMD estimation under limited datasets. The proposed method achieved high accuracy in BMD estimation, where Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.880 and 0.920 were observed for DXA-measured BMD and QCT-measured BMD estimation tasks, respectively, and the root mean square of the coefficient of variation values were 3.27 to 3.79% for four measurements with different poses. Furthermore, we conducted extensive validation experiments, including multi-pose, uncalibrated-CT, and compression experiments toward actual application in routine clinical practice.


著者 Yi Gu,Yoshito Otake,Keisuke Uemura,Mazen Soufi,Masaki Takao,Hugues Talbot,Seiji Okada,Nobuhiko Sugano,Yoshinobu Sato
発行日 2023-07-21 11:49:30+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク