Whole-Body Dynamic Telelocomotion: A Step-to-Step Dynamics Approach to Human Walking Reference Generation


リアルタイムの遠隔移動シミュレーション実験により、私たちの手法の有効性が検証され、訓練された人間のパイロットがシミュレートされた二足歩行ロボットと動的に同期し、持続的な移動を実現し、0.0 m/s ~ 0.3 m/s の範囲で歩行速度を制御し、最大 2.0 m の距離での後進歩行が可能であることが実証されました。


Teleoperated humanoid robots hold significant potential as physical avatars for humans in hazardous and inaccessible environments, with the primary goal of channeling human intelligence and sensorimotor skills through these robotic counterparts. Precise coordination between humans and robots is crucial for accomplishing whole-body behaviors involving locomotion and manipulation. To progress successfully, dynamic synchronization between humans and humanoid robots must be achieved. This work enhances recent advancements in human whole-body dynamic telelocomotion, addressing challenges in robustness. By embedding the hybrid and underactuated nature of bipedal walking into a virtual interface, termed a human walking reference, we achieve more dynamically consistent walking gait generation. Additionally, we introduce a reactive robot controller that reproduces scaled human motion, allowing the realization of telelocomotion behaviors on the full-body dynamics of a bipedal robot. Real-time telelocomotion simulation experiments validate the effectiveness of our methods, demonstrating that a trained human pilot can dynamically synchronize with a simulated bipedal robot, achieving sustained locomotion, controlling walking speeds within the range of 0.0 m/s to 0.3 m/s, and enabling backward walking for distances of up to 2.0 m. This research contributes to advancing teleoperated humanoid robots and paves the way for future developments in synchronized locomotion between humans and bipedal robots.


著者 Guillermo Colin,Joseph Byrnes,Youngwoo Sim,Patrick Wensing,Joao Ramos
発行日 2023-07-20 02:21:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク