Lightweight Neural Path Planning


この実践的な課題を動機として、リソースに制約のあるロボット システム向けに、デュアル入力ネットワークとハイブリッド サンプラーを備えた軽量のニューラル パス プランニング アーキテクチャを開発しました。
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数値シミュレーションと物理実験により、ベースラインのアプローチと比較して、私たちのアプローチはモデル サイズがほぼ 1 桁少なく、計算量が 5 分の 1 に抑えられながら、有望なパフォーマンスを達成できることが実証されています。


Learning-based path planning is becoming a promising robot navigation methodology due to its adaptability to various environments. However, the expensive computing and storage associated with networks impose significant challenges for their deployment on low-cost robots. Motivated by this practical challenge, we develop a lightweight neural path planning architecture with a dual input network and a hybrid sampler for resource-constrained robotic systems. Our architecture is designed with efficient task feature extraction and fusion modules to translate the given planning instance into a guidance map. The hybrid sampler is then applied to restrict the planning within the prospective regions indicated by the guide map. To enable the network training, we further construct a publicly available dataset with various successful planning instances. Numerical simulations and physical experiments demonstrate that, compared with baseline approaches, our approach has nearly an order of magnitude fewer model size and five times lower computational while achieving promising performance. Besides, our approach can also accelerate the planning convergence process with fewer planning iterations compared to sample-based methods.


著者 Jinsong Li,Shaochen Wang,Ziyang Chen,Zhen Kan,Jun Yu
発行日 2023-07-20 03:38:53+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク