A decision making framework for recommended maintenance of road segments


本稿で提案する枠組みは、主に、1) さまざまな路線の舗装性能を予測する、2) 維持管理路線の優先順位を決定する、3) 過去の維持管理の効果を評価し、維持管理を決定する、の 4 つの課題に取り組んでいます。
包括的な技術指標と管理指標、および 4) メンテナンスの有効性と推奨されるメンテナンスの有効性に基づいてメンテナンスセクションの優先順位を決定します。
このフレームワークは、これら 4 つの問題に取り組むことで、限られた資金と過去の保守管理経験を考慮して、最適な保守計画と保守セクションに関するインテリジェントな意思決定を可能にします。


With the rapid development of global road transportation, countries worldwide have completed the construction of road networks. However, the ensuing challenge lies in the maintenance of existing roads. It is well-known that countries allocate limited budgets to road maintenance projects, and road management departments face difficulties in making scientifically informed maintenance decisions. Therefore, integrating various artificial intelligence decision-making techniques to thoroughly explore historical maintenance data and adapt them to the context of road maintenance scientific decision-making has become an urgent issue. This integration aims to provide road management departments with more scientific tools and evidence for decision-making. The framework proposed in this paper primarily addresses the following four issues: 1) predicting the pavement performance of various routes, 2) determining the prioritization of maintenance routes, 3) making maintenance decisions based on the evaluation of the effects of past maintenance, and considering comprehensive technical and management indicators, and 4) determining the prioritization of maintenance sections based on the maintenance effectiveness and recommended maintenance effectiveness. By tackling these four problems, the framework enables intelligent decision-making for the optimal maintenance plan and maintenance sections, taking into account limited funding and historical maintenance management experience.


著者 Haoyu Sun,Yan Yan
発行日 2023-07-19 15:55:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, F.2.2, I.2.1, I.2.7, J.0 パーマリンク