A Human Word Association based model for topic detection in social networks


ソーシャル ネットワークの普及に伴い、ソーシャル ネットワークで議論されているトピックを検出することが大きな課題となっています。
このフレームワークは、Human Word Association メソッドに基づいています。
このメソッドのパフォーマンスは FA-CUP データセットで評価されます。
これは、トピック検出分野のベンチマーク データセットです。
結果は、トピック想起とキーワード F1 測定に基づいて、提案された方法が他の方法と比較して良好な改善であることを示しています。
したがって、ペルシア語での Telegram 投稿のデータ セットが収集されました。


With the widespread use of social networks, detecting the topics discussed in these networks has become a significant challenge. The current works are mainly based on frequent pattern mining or semantic relations, and the language structure is not considered. The meaning of language structural methods is to discover the relationship between words and how humans understand them. Therefore, this paper uses the Concept of the Imitation of the Mental Ability of Word Association to propose a topic detection framework in social networks. This framework is based on the Human Word Association method. A special extraction algorithm has also been designed for this purpose. The performance of this method is evaluated on the FA-CUP dataset. It is a benchmark dataset in the field of topic detection. The results show that the proposed method is a good improvement compared to other methods, based on the Topic-recall and the keyword F1 measure. Also, most of the previous works in the field of topic detection are limited to the English language, and the Persian language, especially microblogs written in this language, is considered a low-resource language. Therefore, a data set of Telegram posts in the Farsi language has been collected. Applying the proposed method to this dataset also shows that this method works better than other topic detection methods.


著者 Mehrdad Ranjbar Khadivi,Shahin Akbarpour,Mohammad-Reza Feizi-Derakhshi,Babak Anari
発行日 2023-07-18 11:39:22+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク