The Effect of Data Visualisation Quality and Task Density on Human-Swarm Interaction


オペレーターの 1 つのグループには高品質の画像を要求するオプションがあり、もう 1 つのグループは利用可能な低品質の画像に基づいて決定する必要がありました。
私たちは 120 人の参加者を対象にユーザー調査を実施し、成功率 (シミュレーション プラットフォーム経由で直接記録) および作業負荷と信頼レベル (人間の群れのシナリオを完了した後のアンケートで測定) を記録しました。
ただし、正確に特定された死傷者の数は 2 つのグループ間で大きな差がないこともわかり、データの品質がタスクの正常な完了に影響を与えていないことを示唆しています。


Despite the advantages of having robot swarms, human supervision is required for real-world applications. The performance of the human-swarm system depends on several factors including the data availability for the human operators. In this paper, we study the human factors aspect of the human-swarm interaction and investigate how having access to high-quality data can affect the performance of the human-swarm system – the number of tasks completed and the human trust level in operation. We designed an experiment where a human operator is tasked to operate a swarm to identify casualties in an area within a given time period. One group of operators had the option to request high-quality pictures while the other group had to base their decision on the available low-quality images. We performed a user study with 120 participants and recorded their success rate (directly logged via the simulation platform) as well as their workload and trust level (measured through a questionnaire after completing a human-swarm scenario). The findings from our study indicated that the group granted access to high-quality data exhibited an increased workload and placed greater trust in the swarm, thus confirming our initial hypothesis. However, we also found that the number of accurately identified casualties did not significantly vary between the two groups, suggesting that data quality had no impact on the successful completion of tasks.


著者 Ayodeji O. Abioye,Mohammad Naiseh,William Hunt,Jediah Clark,Sarvapali D. Ramchurn,Mohammad D. Soorati
発行日 2023-07-17 16:01:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク