Sim2Plan: Robot Motion Planning via Message Passing between Simulation and Reality


Simulation-to-Real は、機械学習モデルをトレーニングおよび開発し、最小限の追加トレーニングで実際の設定にデプロイするタスクです。
メッセージパッシング パイプラインは、シーンの理解、ロボットの計画、パフォーマンスの検証の 3 つのモジュールで構成されます。
まず、シーン理解モジュールは、実際の環境セットアップとそのデジタル ツインの間のシーン レイアウトを一致させることを目的としています。
次に、ロボット計画モジュールがシミュレーションでの試行錯誤を通じてロボット タスクを解決します。


Simulation-to-real is the task of training and developing machine learning models and deploying them in real settings with minimal additional training. This approach is becoming increasingly popular in fields such as robotics. However, there is often a gap between the simulated environment and the real world, and machine learning models trained in simulation may not perform as well in the real world. We propose a framework that utilizes a message-passing pipeline to minimize the information gap between simulation and reality. The message-passing pipeline is comprised of three modules: scene understanding, robot planning, and performance validation. First, the scene understanding module aims to match the scene layout between the real environment set-up and its digital twin. Then, the robot planning module solves a robotic task through trial and error in the simulation. Finally, the performance validation module varies the planning results by constantly checking the status difference of the robot and object status between the real set-up and the simulation. In the experiment, we perform a case study that requires a robot to make a cup of coffee. Results show that the robot is able to complete the task under our framework successfully. The robot follows the steps programmed into its system and utilizes its actuators to interact with the coffee machine and other tools required for the task. The results of this case study demonstrate the potential benefits of our method that drive robots for tasks that require precision and efficiency. Further research in this area could lead to the development of even more versatile and adaptable robots, opening up new possibilities for automation in various industries.


著者 Yizhou Zhao,Yuanhong Zeng,Qian Long,Ying Nian Wu,Song-Chun Zhu
発行日 2023-07-15 18:03:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク