SCTOMP: Spatially Constrained Time-Optimal Motion Planning


代わりに、ゴール位置と環境の幾何学的表現のみに依存して、システムのダイナミクスと制約に準拠した時間的に最適な軌道を計算する 2 段階の動作計画方法を提案します。
これを行うために、提案されたスキームはまず障害物のないピタゴラス ホドグラフ パラメトリック スプラインを計算し、次に空間的に再定式化された最小時間最適化問題を解きます。


This paper focuses on spatial time-optimal motion planning, a generalization of the exact time-optimal path following problem that allows the system to plan within a predefined space. In contrast to state-of-the-art methods, we drop the assumption that a collision-free geometric reference is given. Instead, we present a two-stage motion planning method that solely relies on a goal location and a geometric representation of the environment to compute a time-optimal trajectory that is compliant with system dynamics and constraints. To do so, the proposed scheme first computes an obstacle-free Pythagorean Hodograph parametric spline, and second solves a spatially reformulated minimum-time optimization problem. The spline obtained in the first stage is not a geometric reference, but an extension of the environment representation, and thus, time-optimality of the solution is guaranteed. The efficacy of the proposed approach is benchmarked by a known planar example and validated in a more complex spatial system, illustrating its versatility and applicability.


著者 Jon Arrizabalaga,Markus Ryll
発行日 2023-07-15 12:51:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, math.OC パーマリンク